Friday, June 18, 2010

Operation Love Reunited

I am so excited to announce that I have finally been approved and accepted into the Operation Love Reunited program for military families. When my husband was deployed to Kosovo 2 years ago I was very privileged and thankful to have found this program. Deployments are tough and a lot of people don't realize the sacrifices made by not only the soldiers but their families as well. Everyone always thanks a soldier but it seems that their families are forgotten a lot of the times. Well the summer after my husband was deployed I came across this program and an amazing photographer and was so very blessed to be given this gift! This program (and the participating photographers) offer a free photo session(s) of deployed families and sends the soldier a 4X6 album of some of the photos. Our photos were a surprise to our soldier and he was so very thankful to have this gift from home. It was something so very simple but very, very meaningful to have. And I thank those that started Operation Love Reunited and for Erica May Short from Erica May Photography for taking our wonderful photos for us!

This could turn into a longer story but I will do my best to keep it short as possible =). You see I always had and interest and love for photography but I was once employed by a department store studio and was very discouraged by the whole thing because of the way they ran their business. So I gave up on that dream until I had this session done and met Erica. She proved to me that photography isn't just about the fake smiles and being posed for every photo taken. It's about the love and joy and sharing memories. And so after we had these photos done, a once dream had sparked again and here I am today sharing this gift to others. And so if it wasn't for Erica and OP Love I probably wouldn't be here right now!

Now, within the next month or so I should be able to start accepting these sessions once my contract is done and signed. So if you, or if you know someone who is getting deployed or is deployed and would like more information please contact me! I can't wait to spread this gift to my first (and many more after) military family!

To give you and idea, here are a few of those photos taken by Erica of our Operation Love session...

Thanks OP Love! And as I've told you many, many times, thanks Erica! You can visit her website at

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