Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My next 25 years....

So guess what!? My birthday was this past Sunday and I am officially a quarter of a century old! This year happened to be my golden birthday (thanks Kerri for pointing that out cause I had no idea lol) and for some reason I am extremely ecstatic about that. I have no idea why because some people dread getting older. I know most people would love to go back to 25 too lol. But I don't know. When this year started I said it was going to be my year and I was going to take over my life finally. Well a lot of things have gotten in the way and I have had too many things set me back that were beyond my control. So it's time to refocus and find that ambition I had the beginning of the year again. Time to get back on track... But you know for some reason this year I am thankful for those set backs I've had (well sort of). I think they have made me appreciate who I am and realize how much I love my family and everyone in my life. So I kind of wanted to do like a new years resolution sort of but for my next 25 years =). I am also starting a new 101 in 1001 list soon since I kind of lost my last one and so much has changed when I started it. Plus now I think I have a clearer view of what I want and reasonable things that I can manage to make possible. So much can happen in a year that we loose perspective of our goals and I think it is important to keep a list nearby so you can remind yourself. Plus to be able to accomplish something and to be able to mark it off is amazing! And I'm very excited to do that!

Ok so here goes. These are some things I'd like to change and do in my next 25 years:
  • Try not to be a debbie downer. Silly I know, but sometimes I feel like I complain too much. I have had a lot happen and problems the last few years and sometimes I think when I complain I just make my situation worse let alone put others in a bad mood. I don't know if this is entirely true, but a good goal nonetheless =)
  • Be a better mom. I think this kind of goes with the above. I think I get into a bad mood and then I take it out on my kids. Not fair to them and I don't want them to remember me as a nagging mean mommy. I'm sure they wouldn't but sometimes I feel that way..
  • Be a better wife. Long story I could get into here but I am very stubborn. I know my husband loves me and we have our problems but I could be more understanding and not so stubborn with him. Maybe let him win a few fights lol. But don't take that to your head babe ;) love you!
  • Get rid of the negativity in my life. Life is too short to be mad! Nuff said!
  • Be happy! Easier said than done right? Well I think with working on everything else I will be happy.
  • Loose the rest of my weight and spread the motivation! Lost 40 lbs and now time to get started on the last 20!
  • Stop and take time for myself. I think we all need to do this from time to time.
  • Hang out with my friends more. I have learned now that I've lost too many and want to cherish the ones I have! And hopefully make some new ones!
  • Continue to eat healthy. But I think I'm going to go a little further with what I have been doing. I am going to take some things out of my diet to see if it improves health. I will post more of this adventure later =)
  • Love more and hate less. I think I do this pretty good already. I like most people and think I'm a nice person. But I do hold grudges and just need to let them go. Like I said, life is too short to be mad and that negativity needs to go!
  • Just be myself. I am who I am and I shouldn't have to change that for others!
So there you go. This is my quarter of a century resolution, hehe. Hopefully we will all still be around when I make my half century resolution. =) Cheers to the next 25 years!

1 comment:

  1. hey that hole golden birthday was started by my mom none of my dads side of the family had herd of it till my mom was like when caitlin was 10 she said that it was here golden birthday and they all where clue less lol
